Monday, September 19, 2011

And, we wait.

I went in for a follow-up ultrasound this morning. Baby "A" (which we are now going to change to Baby "S" so I don't cry every time I say it and remember there was a "B") ... is doing well. We saw a good heart beat and it was taking a nice nap. I have a picture but I can't scan right now, so I'll have to share later.

The OB saw some other things on the ultrasound that concerned him. He isn't quite sure what is going on and since there is still bleeding on and off, he is sending me to the Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist on Wednesday. They are going to do an NT scan and some other "fancy" scan that can give us a better idea of what is going on in my ute. He said that things still don't look ideal and we need to continue to monitor the situation closely.

I thought that being 12 weeks pregnant I would feel some relief and happiness. Almost 2nd tri! But alas, I feel just frustrated and unsure of everything. I am tired of the waiting. Tired of the ups and downs. I really hope the MFM tells me that things look great and I no longer need to worry. Until then... as usual... we wait.


  1. I hope you get the best news on Friday!

  2. {{{HUGS}}}

    I don't think that you'll ever not worry, but I really hope the MFM gives you the good news that things look normal. Hearing the word "normal" can be such a confidence booster.

    Thinking of you all the time, friend, and wishing you the absolute best. <3

  3. ((Hugs)) I'm am alway sending out good thoughts to you !
