Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Finally, good appointment! Goodbye to Baby K :(

I saw the OB yesterday afternoon and all is well! My bleeding, while still present, is starting to slow down quite a bit. Both babies were moving and even trying to head butt each other. Apparently sibling rivalry starts early. Baby A was measuring almost 15 weeks and Baby B was just 5 days behind. They aren't worried about B as much because the sac is starting to expand and he/she has move room to move around. It was my first appointment that didn't have a lot of drama and emotion associated with it. It felt so good! My ute is measuring almost 20 weeks! So I look and feel very pregnant. I even felt some movement over the last several days. It's a strange, but wonderful feeling. It's like they are saying "hello mommy... we are hereeeeee!". And they really like Coke Slurpees the way.

The doctor told me I need to start relaxing and work on enjoying being pregnant. I am still having lots of nausea and dizziness, especially in the evening. And I haven't been able to eat. I try really hard but I am down 16 pounds since we did our IVF and have lost 5 pounds in the last 12 days. He said he really isn't worried about me gaining a ton of weight right now, but I need to maintain. So at the suggestion of my wonderful friends I went down and bought myself some "Muscle Milk" today. It is a shake that contains 25g of protein and will give me some nutrients. I didn't love drinking it, but it is better than eating meat!

Today is our last day with Baby K. She is transitioning to her new home at 330pm. I am really sad to see her go, but it was the right decision for all of us. After talking with the social workers we feel like the situation wasn't one we were comfortable with and I just don't have the emotional stability to handle all of this for another 2 years, on top of being pregnant and having newborn twins. We are still going to have contact with her and in fact we are going to babysit for a weekend in November. So we are saying goodbye, but not goodbye forever.

Thanks to all my friends who have been so supportive throughout all these ups and downs. I couldn't have made it this far without you. I know this is far from over and I still have a long way to go, but it really helps just to know I am not alone. Love you all!


  1. Kelin-- I'm so happy to hear the news about the twins! So glad that they are both doing well.

    I'm sorry to hear about baby K though. Just know that you've done such an amazing job with her in the months that you have had her that she'll be a forever changed little girl. Hugs!

  2. Keep hanging in there hon. This has been one hell of a roller coaster for you and Kev.

    My magic protein shake recipe, with lots of nutrients and good fats and what not, is:
    1/3c coconut milk
    2/3c water (to dilute the coconut milk, which is super thick)
    1 banana
    2T peanut butter or almond butter
    vanilla whey protein

    Tastes WAY better than those pre-made protein shakes and has more good stuff in it. And tastes like bananas and pb. Mmmmm.
