Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cautiously Optimistic

I had another appointment with the OB yesterday and I am starting to get a little optimistic about this pregnancy. I had a little black-out moment at work when I stood up so I called my OB. Since I had an appointment that day already scheduled, he just told me to come in so he could see how I was doing. They did an u/s and both babies looked very good. They were moving and waving and had good heartbeats. He could also see the little sacs of their stomachs (which I guess is some milestone). Baby A measured 17w and Baby B measured 16w3d, so things are right on track! My blood pressure was high and he thinks I am a little dehydrated. So he sent me home and told me to relax and drink water. I did finally gain some weight this week. So that's basically it. I go back in another 2 weeks for a quick ultrasound and then my anatomy scan is scheduled for November 14th.

I am starting to feel them move more and more. My uterus is measuring 6 weeks ahead so it looks/feels like I am 23 weeks pregnant. I personally just think I look like my fat is pushed out but people at work and other places are stopping me and asking me how far along I am, so I guess I do look pregnant. So far the funniest moments are when they will both be still and one will move and suddenly the other starts to move like crazy. I think they like to wake each other up and have little cage fights.

We just found out we will be providing respite care for Baby K from November 6-9th. I'm excited to see her again and I am sure she has changed and grown a lot in a month!


  1. Yay for movement and lol at cage fighting!

  2. I love following (read: stalking) you and those beautiful babies! I'd like to request that all future blogs be accompanied by a photo. Kthanxbai.

  3. I'm glad things are going well with the babies! Yay for getting to see baby K again!
