Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bad news, yet again.

Apparently I got too excited after my last good appointment. Reality had to come back and smack me in the face. I had another ultrasound with my OB yesterday. Baby A looks fantastic and is officially a girl! However that Baby B is back to it's old tricks again. Apparently the fluid level around that baby is drastically low (2.9). Anything under 8 is considered low. If it gets much lower they are going to either hospitalize me to try and keep me from going into pre-term labor or they may even have to perform a surgery to try and fix the low fluid problem (I'm too scared to Google what kind of surgery this may be). 

I have no idea about any of this and they didn't get me much information other than to go home, be on modified bed rest again, and drink as much water as I can handle. I have been on Google trying to see what could be the cause of this and what the potential outcome could be and it scared the hell out of me. Basically, if my fluid drops much below 2 that baby will not be able to stay in there and I could loose both of them. One baby is measuring 20 weeks and the other 19w3d, so I still have a good 15 weeks to go and I am having serious doubts that these little ones will make it that far. I'm scared that something is going to happen and they will be born extremely premature and I am even more scared that they won't make it to viability. 

I know there is nothing that I can do but rest and drink water. But I just feel so helpless. Next fluid check and ultrasound is on the 14th. 


  1. This roller coaster has got to stop! And by stop, I mean start going uphill again and have the most favourable outcome possible.

    I'm so sorry for all this stress, Kelin. Really, I wish there was something that I could do. But I'll hold your hand from over here.


  2. Kelin I am praying SO hard for you and your babies! I'm so sorry that you are going through all of this and having to worry so much. ((hugs))

  3. Lots of thoughts and prayers coming your way Kelin. ::Huge Hugs::

  4. Praying for you Kelin. ((hugs))

  5. Lots of prayers and big hugs!

  6. I'm sorry that this is happening Kel. I really, really hope the bed rest and extra fluids will help. Thinking of you, my friend.

  7. Thinking of you Kelin.

  8. Thinking of you. I'm sorry. I can't believe what a roller coaster this has been.

  9. Saying lots of thoughts and prayers for you and those precious babies. So sorry that you are having to deal with such ups and downs.
