Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Modified Bed Rest + Tons of Water =

an increase in amniotic fluid! The fluid around Baby B increased to a 5 as of yesterday. Yay!

My OB did an anatomy scan of both babies. Everything looked great. All their organs and body parts looked just as they should. They still weren't cooperating on camera and we don't have a solid gender prediction for Baby B, but he was convinced A was a girl last time. But for right now, healthy is all I need to know.  Baby B is only 10% smaller than A, which is a big improvement from a month ago.

I have to continue modified bed rest and drink as much water as I can. I am really thankful my bosses let me telework from my recliner full time. I have a follow up with the MFM on December 6th for another anatomy scan. My OB feels like having a second set of eyes and a fluid check is a good idea.

So... hopefully I am in for an uneventful and boring 3 weeks. :)


  1. 3 whole weeks without requiring an appointment?! What an amazing milestone! And increased fluid. Even better. You are so strong. Keep up the good work mama!

  2. I'm so, so, so thrilled that things are looking better!
