Monday, August 15, 2011


Had my u/s this morning and it's twins! Big K and I are very excited, but very nervous to possibly have the blessing of 3 kids under the age of 2. I am terrified, but I know that life doesn't give you more than you can handle.  But the morning sickness is almost unbearable. Hopefully it ends after the first trimester! :)

Baby A is perfect with a hb of 126. Baby B is measuring a week behind and the doc said it could go either way with that one but it also had a hb of 126. Will go back in 2 weeks to see if baby B is still around. Here is a pic, you can see how much smaller the sac is for baby B (on the left) compared to baby A (larger sac on right).

Here is Baby A, measuring perfectly with a heartbeat of 126, all snuggled down in the very corner of my uterus;

And here is Baby B with the same heart rate as Baby A, but measuring a week behind. The doctor said it could go either way but as you can see the sac and baby are much smaller;

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