Monday, August 1, 2011

I Jinxed Myself

I pulled a total FH move today. And in the process, I likely jinxed myself, my pregnancy and my sanity all in one mouse click. I purchased a doppler. I had to! It called out to me! And I got it for $25! It's a Sonoline B Fetal Doppler 3mhz. Brand new and free shipping. How could I not do it? If this pregnancy doesn't work out, I can give it to one of my deserving friends right? So it won't go to waste. There, I feel better already.

Things seem to be going well. No sign of spotting or cramping, just a dull ache. Usually by 5 weeks I am cramping and my boobs no longer hurt and pregnancy tests start to fade. Then the full-on bleeding starts at 5.5 or 6 weeks. Since I am 5 weeks today and I still feel "pregnant" and I POAS this morning just for fun and it was super dark instantly... I am taking all those as good signs. Plus, my nipples feel like they are on fire and the sides of my boobs feel like someone is jabbing me with a hard object. As any girl with IF or RPL can relate... these are all welcome symptoms!

My RE won't do an u/s until I am 8 or 9 weeks, so of course I took it upon myself to contact my OB today to tell him I am KU again and ask for an u/s next week sometime when I am 6w2d, 3d, or 4d. I am not sure he will be able to do that in such short notice, but at least I tried.

Other than that... I got nuttin'. Seriously uneventful since last week. Should have a beta update on Friday and an adoption update on Monday (a week from today) after our visit with the social worker. Toodles!


  1. You can't jinx it, dorkface. How well has it worked out for you so far when you haven't done anything to jinx it? :p

    Your RE really does love to keep a girl in suspense. Jesus. Hope the OB can get you in, and I'm glad things are feeling different this time.

  2. I am so happy that things are progressing! <3 Hopefully there is another baby K (or 2) in your near future!
